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Happy’s Shaved Ice


Happy’s Shaved-Ice and Bubble Tea is a staple in Lubbock, Texas. Known for their friendly service and variety of refreshing drink flavors, they’ve solidified their place as a key gathering spot for local families and college students alike.

When Happy’s asked Caliber to help refresh their brand, the experience was nothing short of cool.
The team had a blast developing a brand that appeals to all ages by pairing bright retro graphics
with witty writing elements.

A key element of the Happy’s system was a family of characters to represent the various drinks and cup sizes. From the signature cup mascot to his little boba buddies, there is a growing array of recognizable personalities for everyone to enjoy.

This adorably irreverent brand has all the ingredients necessary to give its customers the nostalgic warm-and-fuzzies, while making them laugh their snow cones off. It’s enough to make just about anyone want to jump aboard the Happy’s train.